Hi, I’m
(yes, it’s my real name),

and I’m all in on helping you live a full life deeply committed to your wellbeing with loving relationships, engaging work, a sense of purpose, and all the joy you deserve.
“But hold up!” you say. “I struggle with self-care,
love sucks, my job is lame, and joy – what’s that?”
I get it and I can relate. I used to believe a joyful, healthy life surrounded by people I love, doing satisfying work that pays me what I’m worth was for other people. They had the secret playbook. They’d cracked the code. They had what I didn’t.
But I don’t see it that way anymore, and you don’t have to either. I want to share what I’ve learned with you.
Are you ready to:
Be free to say how you feel and what you want
Spend your time connecting not perfecting
Receive as much as you give
Step into your superpower as a leader and a lover
Give yourself permission to be yourself
Succeed on your own terms
I hope your answer is “Yes!!” Your friends, family, coworkers, and community need all of who you are and can be — your truth, authenticity, confidence, and definitely your love.
or let’s continue getting to know one another...
Board Certified Coach (BCC)
International Coach Federation Certified
Coach training:
Presence-Based Coaching®
Institute for Life Coach Training
Specialized training and experience in:
Releasing the Past
Body Mind Coaching
Relationships & Intimacy
Design Thinking & Visioneering
Team & Group Facilitation
Nonprofit & Social Good Leaders
Creative Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
University of Southern California, Master of Social Work
University of Houston, BA in Psychology
The son of a rancher and Texas high school cheerleader, I was named to be a rodeo star. Since I’ve only donned a cowboy hat and boots during Madonna’s “Music” phase circa 2000, I’d say the whole rodeo thing didn’t take. But the name did, and here I am, a 40-something guy living the dream.
By “the dream,” I mean living fully and imperfectly as myself, creating my life’s work and learning to love & be loved - body, mind and spirit – one day a time.
Personally, I do this as a friend, lover, brother, and community member. And professionally as a life and business coach, podcast host and counselor, having spent close to twenty years as a personal and organizational growth guide.
Highly sensitive, spiritual and a “feeler” by nature, I’m also a Gemini and Human Design Manifestor who thrives on deep curiosity, communication and connection. I love a big idea, I believe relationships hold the keys to life success and I’m passionate about guiding clients to create lives and businesses that speak their truth.